If you are looking for an FHSU thesis and know the title, search for it in quotes in the search box on the library's home page or search the FHSU Master's Theses Collection directly. The FHSU Master's Theses Collection contains manuscripts written by Fort Hays graduate students dating from 1930 through the present. Theses submitted after 2009 are Open Access. Works prior to 2010 may be limited to on-campus access due to copyright restrictions. Please contact for questions regarding access to individual works from that time period.
Theses & Dissertations from other universities can be found in the following databases or obtained through Interlibrary Loan:
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Offers more than 1.7 million full-text dissertations in the humanities, social sciences, technology and more.
Nursing & Allied Health Database (ProQuest): Over 12,000 full-text dissertations covering research in nursing and related fields. Use Advanced Search, search by keyword(s) and limit to Theses/Dissertations in the Document Type box.
Oregon PDF in Health & Performance: Contains nearly 11,000 dissertations/theses in Health, Health Education, Athletics, Physiology, Exercise Epidemiology, Sports Psychology, and Recreation and Leisure.
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