Answered By: Andy Tincknell
Last Updated: May 29, 2024     Views: 37

NOTE: The library building is currently closed for construction, so the Military Study Room is unavailable. The Media Lab has moved to Custer Hall 310.

Currently, we do not have a sound-dampening room. You're welcome to use the Media Lab, but it is mostly meant for video production and some outside noise does leak in. Your best bet is the Military Study Room. If a veteran or active military member would like to use it, they get first choice, but I think it might be about the quietest place in the library. You can also check out one of our Yeti mics from technology checkout to get better sound recordings, and I can show you how to edit out some extraneous noise after your recording is finished. We hope to have a podcast studio included in the renovation to be completed in 2026.

Hours: Building & Research Help